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Real Life Nutrition Questions Answered

Real Life Fitness Questions Answered

Emma Brown

Janet Aylott

Kelly Marshall
Fitness Consultant


Will I lose weight as long as I use extra kcals exercising?

Hi, I seem to be 50-200 kcal over in food a day most days, but feel that if I ate less I would be starving. However, I am also consistently over for my exercise, and so over the week, my overall kcal consumption is in deficit. To what extent does the programme account for exercise? If I feel like my body needs more fuel to be able to be active, are those extra calories okay as long as I make sure I keep up the exercise? I do try make them healthy e.g. fruit, small piece of toast with a little peanut butter, occasionally cheese. To contextualise, I have been using this site for about a week now. I am trying to lose approx. 6kg (from 60-54) and am 165cm and 33 years old. I have also started an exercise programme for the first time in many years (have had 2 children, the first 3 1/2 years ago). This involves tennis once a week, running 2-3 times a week, ashtanga yoga twice a week. As well as this I do a lot of brisk walking pushing a stroller with 2 kids (collectively weighs 40kg).


Our expert says...



Thanks for your question. Basically, as you will have seen on your Results page, we explain what calorie deficit you need to create to lose weight at the rate you choose. In your case, it sounds like you are creating a bigger deficit due to having higher exercise levels, so in theory it should be perfectly okay for you to eat the extra you that you expend – hopefully about matching the 50-200 calories a day you say you are over by – and still lose weight unhindered.


Even if you do find your weight loss slows slightly (bear in mind you could be putting on muscle too which weighs more than fat), it is definitely better to eat a few more calories if you feel your body needs it, rather than falling off the wagon and binging. As a general principle though, do bear in mind that it is a very common mistake for people to overestimate how many calories they are expending when they exercise and then undo all the good they've done by eating more than they've burned!


You are advised to seek medical advice before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle with an aim of weight loss. This website and the content provided should not be used by persons under 18, by pregnant or nursing women, or individuals with any type of health condition, except under the direct supervision of a qualified medical professional. The information contained in these articles, and elsewhere on this website, is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to replace, and does not constitute legal, professional, medical or healthcare advice or diagnosis and may not be used for such purposes. Continue...

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