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Real Life Nutrition Questions Answered

Real Life Fitness Questions Answered

Emma Brown

Janet Aylott

Kelly Marshall
Fitness Consultant


Does your weight automatically stabalise?

Hi. I was just wondering if the body has a weight that it eventually stabilises at.
On a daily allowance of 1400 calories a day, and I wouldn't want to go any lower than that, would I continue losing weight until I had reached my goal or would it settle at a weight that was suitable for me? I am 5ft 9 and a half inches tall and my goal is to reach 9st 10 - 9st 12lb. So far I am losing weight nicely on the 1400 cals but wonder if I will have to reduce them further to reach my goal. This is something I would prefer not to have to do as I also wish to be able to maintain my weight as easily as I have lost it. Hope I have explained myself properly [:)] sorry for waffling on!
Kind regards


Our expert says...

Hi Bev,

It does appear that we all have a 'natural weight' that our bodies want to stabilise at. If this is slightly higher than your goal weight, you will know when you reach it as you will probably find it more difficult to lose weight on your current regime. You may find you are quite happy at your 'natural weight' or you may find you would still like to lose a little more.

We do recommend that you reset your profile regularly at either a 10% or 1 stone weight loss. When you get to the point of only needing to lose a small amount of weight and reset your target, Nutracheck still recommend a healthy level of 1400 calories a day, but will increase your exercise level to create the calorie deficit. If the exercise target looks too high, it is best to go back and reset the rate of weight loss to give a more realistic exercise target. This also ensures the last stages of weight loss are done slowly, which is more likely to keep the weight off. I understand if you don't want to go lower than 1400 calories a day, but if you find that the weight loss is slowing, then it is okay to drop your calorie intake to 1,200 per day for a couple of weeks to get things moving again - but as you get closer to goal, I would stress that extra exercise is key.

Well done for all your hard work and success so far! With your sensible approach, I am sure you will be able to maintain your new weight as easily as you have lost it.

You are advised to seek medical advice before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle with an aim of weight loss. This website and the content provided should not be used by persons under 18, by pregnant or nursing women, or individuals with any type of health condition, except under the direct supervision of a qualified medical professional. The information contained in these articles, and elsewhere on this website, is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to replace, and does not constitute legal, professional, medical or healthcare advice or diagnosis and may not be used for such purposes. Continue...

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