Your Bust & Exercise
Decrease your bust without increasing sagging
A women's bust size is determined by the amount of body fat stored within the chest space and there is a genetic predisposition to fat storage in this area. Every woman can decrease her bust size; it's just that the body will utilize the fat stored in other parts of the body first! A reduction in your body fat percentage will reduce the size of your bust - it may just take a little longer.
Exercise dilemma
Unfortunately, as the bust is made up of fat tissues rather than muscle, the area has a pre-disposition to sag as women get older. Annoyingly, exercise can exacerbate this problem, because increased movement will cause the bust to bounce and stretch more! But don't panic - the right type of exercise and equipment can minimize bouncing while strengthening and firming the muscles that support the bust area.
Find a good sports bra
Finding the right sports bra is crucial and will depend on your activity level and bra size. Try 'Less Bounce' or 'Shock Absorber' as they supply a real range to suit all sizes and activity levels. To help decide on the best style of bra try the 'Shock Absorber' website and their 'bounceometer'!
Resistance training
The best way to prevent 'sagging' of the chest area is to do resistance training for the upper body. If you are a member of a health club then the type of machines to use are a chest press, shoulder press and lateral pull-down. These exercises can also be performed with free weights or bands to increase the demand on the nervous system and muscles. Ask advice from a fitness professional if you need any guidance.
Home exercise
If you aren't a member of a gym you can achieve successful results at home using your bodyweight and a resistance band (very cheap to buy!). Press ups (full or on knees) are a good exercise but it's worth getting your technique checked by a professional to ensure the quality of your movement is right. You could also invest in a workout DVD that has an emphasis on body shaping and toning. For example, 'Michelle McManus - The Lifeplan Workout' is a six-section total body conditioning workout that promotes fitness, burns fat and drives weight loss.
Swimming, particularly breaststroke, is a great exercise for reducing and toning the bust area. And as an added benefit, the buoyancy provided by the water solves any uncomfortable bouncing issues!